Fitting In Fitness

3 Min Read
Fitting In Fitness

Between work, family, friends and other responsibilities, it can seem nearly impossible to find 

time to do much of anything else, particularly exercising. After a long day, working out is typically the last thing you want to do. 


But physical activity is an important part of your health. The Center For Disease Control 

(The CDC) recommends adults get around 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each 

week. At first glance, that may seem like a lot, but when you break it down you’ll find it’s much 

more doable than you think. 


For example, this could be a 30-minute walk five days a week or playing in the pool with the kids in the afternoons for 20 minutes a day. There are ways to fit it in. Keep in mind, some exercise is better than none. Even if you don’t hit the 150-minute mark each week, getting your body moving and blood pumping has benefits regardless. 


Finding time to exercise can seem challenging but here are a few ways you can squeeze some 

in each day. 


At Home 

Picture of ALOHA in a gym bag

Whether you’re working from home, doing dishes or taking care of your kids, there are plenty of opportunities to incorporate physical activity into your day. 


Strive to make a conscious effort to move throughout the day. This could mean utilizing your 

lunch break for a walk around the neighborhood or setting an alarm on your phone to remind 

you to stand every hour. 


One simple step: buy yourself a set of ankle weights. You can wear these around the house 

while you do your usual tasks. You’ll be adding some resistance and likely won’t even notice you are wearing them after a while. 


There are also endless resources online including workouts you can do at home with minimal 

equipment. Next time you are on the internet, take a second to browse home workouts and 

bookmark a few you’d like to give a try. 



Rock climber with an ALOHA bar in their mouth.

Don’t let traveling deter you from your health goals. Incorporating physical activity while you are traveling can be a great way to keep some structure and routine. It can also be an excellent 

stress reducer. 


Check out what gyms are in the area you are traveling to. Oftentimes, gyms will allow you to 

purchase day-passes. You can also look into group fitness classes in the area and see what 

options are available. You might find something new and fun to try. 

And there are, of course, options you can do from the comfort of your hotel room. Again, the 

internet can be a great resource here but you can also start by incorporating body weight 

exercises. Think squats, push-ups, lunges, sit-ups. Try completing 30 reps of each for three 

rounds total. 


With The Family 

Person playing tennis with an ALOHA drink 

Get the family involved in your physical fitness. Not only will you have extra support but you are encouraging them to implement healthy lifestyle habits as well. 


This could be a walk with the family after dinner, a trip to play frisbee at the park or a dip in the 

local pool. The goal is to get your bodies moving and blood pumping. 


Remember, something is better than nothing when it comes to exercises. Find what works for 

you and your schedule, even if it’s just five or ten minutes per day. 

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