What Is MCT Oil? A Complete Guide

10 Min Read

Key Takeaways:

  • Quick Energy and Enhanced Cognitive Function - MCT oil rapidly converts to ketones, providing immediate energy for both the body and brain. This makes it a great option for improving mental clarity and physical endurance.
  • Supports Weight Loss and Metabolism - MCT oil can boost metabolism and promote fat burning, making it a valuable addition to weight management routines. It also helps increase feelings of fullness.
  • Multiple Health Benefits from Natural Sources - Derived mainly from coconut oil, MCT oil offers antimicrobial properties, gut health support, and potential heart health benefits, all from clean, organic sources.


What if there was a way to energize your body and mind more efficiently than regular fats? MCT oil, known as a “superfuel,” is gaining popularity for its ability to offer a quick energy boost and various health benefits.

At ALOHA, we pride ourselves on offering the best plant-based, organic nutrition products. We are committed to sustainability and transparency and deliver clean, high-quality ingredients that you can trust.

This piece will explore everything you need to know about MCT oil and how it can benefit your health.

What Are MCTs? Understanding Medium-Chain Triglycerides

MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides, are a unique type of fat composed of medium-length fatty acid chains. Unlike long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), which need to go through a more complex digestive process, the body absorbs MCTs more quickly. When consumed, they travel directly to the liver, rapidly converting into ketones, a source of immediate energy for both the brain and muscles. This fast absorption makes MCTs a preferred energy source, especially for those on low-carb or ketogenic diets.

MCTs are typically extracted from sources like coconut oil and palm oil, which contain high concentrations of these healthy fats. There are four types of MCTs: C6 (caproic acid), C8 (caprylic acid), C10 (capric acid), and C12 (lauric acid), each with different metabolic properties. For instance, C8 is often considered the most efficient at producing ketones, while C12 behaves more like a traditional fat. This versatility makes MCT oil popular for improving mental clarity, boosting endurance, and supporting weight loss.


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Sources Of MCT Oil: Where Does It Come From?

MCT (Medium-Chain Triglyceride) oil is derived from natural sources, primarily coconut oil and palm kernel oil. These oils contain medium-chain fatty acids, extracted and refined to produce concentrated MCT oil. Here are the main sources:

  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is the most common source of MCT oil. It contains 55% to 65% MCTs, including caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10), known for their rapid absorption and energy-boosting properties.
  • Palm Kernel Oil: Palm kernel oil also contains MCTs, though it is a less common source due to environmental concerns related to palm oil production. Like coconut oil, it contains caprylic and capric acids.
  • Synthetic Production: Some MCT oils are synthetically produced or blended from different sources, which is less common in natural or organic products.

Coconut oil remains the most popular and environmentally sustainable source of MCT oil in the market.

Types Of MCTs: C6, C8, C10, And C12 Explained

C6: Caproic Acid

Caproic acid (C6) is the shortest MCT, meaning it converts to energy rapidly. However, it is often found in small quantities in MCT oil due to its strong taste and odor, which many find unpleasant. Despite its quick energy production, it is less commonly isolated for standalone use. Most MCT oils limit C6 to avoid the unappealing flavor while reaping its fast-acting benefits.

C8: Caprylic Acid

Caprylic acid (C8) is the most efficient MCT for producing ketones. These ketones provide quick, clean energy, which is especially beneficial for brain function. The body rapidly absorbs them, which are often favored in MCT oil products targeting mental clarity and cognitive performance. Unlike C6, C8 has a more neutral taste, making it highly desirable for consumption. C8 is often considered the "gold standard" for fast and efficient energy boosts.

C10: Capric Acid

Capric acid (C10) converts to energy slightly slower than C8, providing steady, sustained fuel for the brain and muscles. It’s commonly included in MCT oil blends because of its balanced profile—offering longer-lasting energy without the intensity of C8. This fatty acid also has antimicrobial benefits, adding an additional layer of health support. Many products combine C8 and C10 for a well-rounded MCT oil.

C12: Lauric Acid

Lauric acid (C12) is technically an MCT, but it behaves more like a long-chain fatty acid, requiring more digestion before the body can use it. Found abundantly in coconut oil, C12 is known for its powerful antimicrobial and antiviral properties. While it’s slower to convert to energy, it’s still valuable for overall immune support. However, in most MCT oil products, C12 is less concentrated because it doesn't produce ketones as efficiently as C8 or C10.

Health Benefits Of MCT Oil

Quick And Efficient Energy

The body quickly absorbs medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), making them an ideal fast energy source. Unlike other fats that must be broken down and stored, MCTs are swiftly converted into ketones, providing immediate fuel for the brain and muscles. This feature makes them especially useful for athletes or anyone needing an instant energy boost without the typical crash. MCTs are also favored in low-carb diets, where quick energy is essential for sustaining focus and physical performance.

Supports Weight Loss And Metabolism

MCT oil has been shown to boost metabolism, which may support weight loss by promoting fat oxidation. Unlike longer-chain fats, MCTs are less likely to be stored as fat and more likely to be used as energy. Additionally, MCT oil can increase the release of hormones that make you feel full, which may help reduce overall calorie intake. Studies also suggest that MCTs may improve the body’s ability to burn calories, leading to more efficient weight management.

Enhances Brain Function

One of the most notable benefits of MCT oil is its ability to support brain function. The ketones produced from MCTs serve as an alternative energy source for the brain, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals on a ketogenic diet or those experiencing cognitive decline. MCT oil has been linked to improved focus, memory, and mental clarity. Growing research suggests that MCTs may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s by providing consistent fuel to brain cells.

Supports Gut And Immune Health

MCT oil contains antimicrobial and antiviral properties, particularly in the C10 and C12 fatty acids, which can help maintain a healthy gut. These MCTs combat harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi that may otherwise cause digestive issues. MCT oil can indirectly boost immune function by improving gut health and supporting overall wellness. Regular consumption may help prevent infections and create a balanced environment in the digestive system.

MCT Oil Vs Other Fats: What Makes It Different?

Faster Absorption And Energy Conversion

MCT oil is absorbed much more quickly than long-chain fats because it bypasses typical digestion processes and goes straight to the liver for conversion into ketones. This immediate energy production makes it ideal for those seeking a quick fuel source, unlike traditional fats, which are more slowly broken down and often stored as fat. MCTs are less likely to be stored in fat tissue, making them more efficient for energy use.

Different Metabolic Effects

MCTs are metabolized differently than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), which take longer to break down and are more prone to being stored as body fat. MCT oil can increase fat oxidation, promote weight loss, and support metabolic health. Unlike LCTs, which may contribute to weight gain when consumed in excess, MCT oil can help improve calorie burning. This makes MCTs a better choice for individuals aiming to boost their metabolism and manage their weight.

Impact On Cholesterol And Heart Health

MCT oil is generally considered neutral or beneficial for cholesterol levels, particularly when replacing other fats. Long-chain fats, especially from animal sources, can raise LDL cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease. In contrast, MCT oil may help improve heart health by raising HDL (good cholesterol) without negatively affecting LDL levels. This makes MCT oil a healthier option for cardiovascular well-being than long-chain fats.

Brain And Cognitive Support

One of the unique advantages of MCT oil is its ability to provide energy directly to the brain by converting it into ketones. This can enhance cognitive function, mental clarity, and focus, particularly for those on low-carb or ketogenic diets. Long-chain fats don’t provide this quick energy for the brain and may not have the same direct benefits for mental performance. MCT oil is often used by individuals looking to improve brain health and cognitive function over time.

How To Choose The Best MCT Oil

Look For Pure, Organic Sources

When selecting MCT oil, choosing products derived from organic, plant-based sources like coconut oil is essential. These ensure a cleaner, non-GMO product free from pesticides and harmful chemicals. Always verify that the oil is free from unnecessary fillers or artificial ingredients. Organic certification can assure you are getting a high-quality, sustainably sourced product.

Focus On C8 And C10

For optimal energy production and health benefits, prioritize MCT oils that contain higher amounts of C8 (caprylic acid) and C10 (capric acid). These two types of MCTs are more efficiently converted into ketones, providing quick energy for the brain and the body. Many products list each type's percentage, so choose those highlighting these specific MCTs. C8 is particularly beneficial for cognitive function and energy metabolism.

Avoid Harmful Additives

Check labels carefully to ensure your MCT oil is free from additives, preservatives, or artificial flavors. Pure MCT oil should contain only the MCTs themselves, without any extra ingredients that may dilute the effectiveness or purity of the product. Flavored oils may appeal to some, but unflavored varieties are generally the best choice for maximum versatility and health benefits.

Packaging And Sustainability

When choosing MCT oil, sustainability is important, so look for brands that emphasize eco-friendly practices. Packaging also matters; opt for products that come in BPA-free plastic or glass bottles to avoid any harmful chemicals leaching into the oil. Many ethical brands also focus on using sustainably sourced materials and responsible harvesting practices, making them a better choice for you and the environment.


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Final Thoughts

MCT oil has earned its place as a powerful tool in nutrition and wellness. With its ability to deliver quick, clean energy, it's no surprise that it's become a popular choice for individuals looking to enhance their physical and mental performance. From its unique absorption process to its diverse health benefits, MCT oil offers a natural solution for boosting energy levels, supporting cognitive function, and promoting metabolic health.

Consider incorporating MCT oil into your routine as you explore ways to elevate your well-being. Whether following a low-carb diet, aiming to improve focus, or simply seeking a sustainable energy source, MCT oil provides a versatile and effective option. By choosing high-quality, organic products, you can enjoy the full potential of this remarkable oil while aligning with sustainable and clean living practices.

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Frequently Asked Questions About What Is MCT Oil

What is MCT oil?

MCT oil is a supplement made of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat quickly absorbed and converted into energy by the body. It is often used to boost energy and support weight loss.

What does MCT oil do?

MCT oil provides a fast energy source, supports brain function, and may enhance metabolism, making it popular among athletes, keto dieters, and those looking to improve cognitive clarity.

How is MCT oil different from coconut oil?

MCT oil is a concentrated source of MCTs, specifically extracted from coconut or palm oil. Coconut oil contains a mix of both long- and medium-chain fats. MCT oil offers faster energy conversion than coconut oil.

Can MCT oil help with weight loss?

MCT oil may support weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness, boosting metabolism, and promoting fat burning instead of fat storage. However, it should be part of a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Is MCT oil safe for daily use?

Yes, MCT oil is generally safe for daily use when consumed in moderate amounts. To avoid digestive discomfort, start with a small dose and gradually increase it.

Can MCT oil improve brain function?

MCT oil has been shown to enhance cognitive function by providing the brain with ketones, an alternative energy source that may improve mental clarity, focus, and memory.

What are the types of MCTs found in MCT oil?

MCT oil typically contains four types of medium-chain triglycerides: C6 (Caproic Acid), C8 (Caprylic Acid), C10 (Capric Acid), and C12 (Lauric Acid), each offering different health benefits.

How should I use MCT oil?

MCT oil can be added to coffee, smoothies, salad dressings, or cooking oil. It’s important to start with small doses to allow your body to adjust.

Is MCT oil good for gut health?

Yes, MCT oil has antimicrobial properties, particularly C10 and C12, which help combat harmful bacteria in the gut, promoting better digestion and gut health.

Does MCT oil have any side effects?

Common side effects of MCT oil include digestive issues like diarrhea, cramping, and nausea if taken in large amounts. Gradually increasing the dose can help minimize these effects.


  1. Jadhav, H. B., & Annapure, U. S. (2022). Triglycerides of medium-chain Fatty acids: a Concise Review. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 60(8). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-022-05499-w
  2. Watanabe, S., & Tsujino, S. (2022). Applications of Medium-Chain Triglycerides in Foods. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.802805
  3. Sun, L., Kaisy Xinhong Ye, Wong, H., Wang, L., Su Lin Lim, Yin Xia Chao, Zhang, C., Kai Zhen Yap, & Feng, L. (2023). The Effects of Medium Chain Triglyceride for Alzheimer’s Disease Related Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 94(2), 441–456. https://doi.org/10.3233/jad-230406
  4. St-Onge, M.-P., & Bosarge, A. (2008). Weight-loss diet that includes consumption of medium-chain triacylglycerol oil leads to a greater rate of weight and fat mass loss than does olive oil. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 87(3), 621–626. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2874190/
  5. Khoramnia, A., Ebrahimpour, A., Ghanbari, R., Ajdari, Z., & Lai, O.-M. (2013). Improvement of Medium Chain Fatty Acid Content and Antimicrobial Activity of Coconut Oil via Solid-State Fermentation Using a Malaysian Geotrichum candidum. BioMed Research International, 2013, 954542. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/954542


ALOHA's products are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure disease. ALOHA's products should not replace prescribed medications or the variety of foods important to a healthful diet.

Do not self-diagnose any health condition. Work with your healthcare provider to determine how best to achieve optimal health.

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