Cultivating Gut Health: What's Inulin Got to Do with It?

Bestsellers for ALOHA Ingredients

When we talk about feeling good and staying healthy, our gut plays a starring role. Gut health is not just about avoiding stomachaches; our gut health impacts our entire body and even our brain function and mood! By feeding our bodies with the right stuff—like prebiotics—we can help this inner world thrive. And one of those gut-friendly foods is blue agave inulin, a sweet little secret from nature that supports your digestive health. Keep reading to learn more about your gut and how ingredients like inulin can help support it.

What is Gut Health?

a man is holding a aloha bar in his hands

Your gut is the system in your body that breaks down food and gets nutrients, but it does so much more for your body too. A healthy gut contains good bacteria and immune cells that fight off harmful germs and viruses. It also communicates with the brain through nerves and hormones.

When your gut is healthy, you're more likely to feel good overall. You can digest food better, so your body gets more of what it needs to work right. This includes vitamins that keep you strong and give you the energy to get through the day.

Your mood can be linked to your gut, too. The gut makes most of the serotonin in your body, which affects your brain, your mood, and how you feel.

How Can I Support My Gut Health?

a woman is eating a aloha bar on the street

Just like you would water your garden and give it sunlight, there are things you can do to help your gut stay healthy.

  • Increase Fiber Intake: Consuming high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains supports the beneficial bacteria in your gut and promotes regular digestion.
  • Include Prebiotics: Foods like garlic, onions, bananas, and oats contain prebiotics that nourish the good bacteria already present in your gastrointestinal system.

  • Try Fermented Foods: Incorporate probiotic-rich options like unsweetened yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha to introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive tract.

  • Cut Down on Processed Foods: Reducing processed items and sugar intake is crucial as they can negatively impact the balance of healthy gut flora.

  • Chew Food Thoroughly: Properly chewing food aids digestion by breaking down food particles before they enter the stomach.

  • Avoid Late Night Eating: Finish meals a few hours before bedtime to give your digestive system time to process food effectively while you rest.

  • Prioritize Sleep: Gut health and sleep are two-way streets. Improving your sleep can impact your gut microbiome, and improving your gut health may help you sleep better.

  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in consistent physical activity helps maintain smooth movement through your digestive system and reduces stress levels, which are vital for maintaining gut health.

  • Hydrate: Remember to drink lots of water. Staying hydrated helps everything in your body run smoothly, including digestion. A well-hydrated body keeps food moving through your digestive system and helps your body eliminate toxins. Hydration also prevents constipation by helping fibers do their job.

  • Stress Management: Lower stress levels help your digestive and nervous systems rest and can help maintain gut health and a healthy gut microbiome.

Prebiotics: What Are They and Why Do I Need Them?

a bowl of chocolate smoothie with bananas and raspberries on top

Prebiotics are food for the helpful probiotic microbes colonizing your gut. They improve digestion, enhance nutrient and mineral absorption, and help you get more out of your foods. Prebiotics also stop harmful bacteria from growing too much by lowering pH levels in the gut. This helps protect against harmful bacteria that could make us sick.

Eating prebiotic-rich foods can make your stomach work better and keep it healthy. They have been shown to increase bowel regularity, which means less constipation or diarrhea. A study in The British Journal of Nutrition also found that prebiotics can lower the chance of getting sick with things like gastroenteritis.

These fibers aren't just about keeping your stomach happy and support overall well-being. People who consume enough prebiotics often feel better overall because their gut is healthier.

Prebiotics may even help with allergies by balancing the bacteria in your gut, which can affect how your body reacts to allergens.

To add more prebiotics to your diet, look for foods such as garlic, onions, bananas, oats—and yes—certain plant-based protein powders like those from ALOHA, which are crafted with gut health in mind.

What is Blue Agave Inulin?

a close up of the leaves of an agave plant

Blue Agave Inulin is a prebiotic inulin powder derived from the plant blue agave. It's often added to foods like protein bars, cereals, and yogurts to boost their fiber content.

This special kind of fiber has some cool health perks:

  • Inulin acts as food for the good bacteria in your gut. When you eat it, you help these friendly microbes grow and stay strong. This can make your digestive system work better and keep you healthy by improving your immune system and mood.

  • Studies show that inulin can help control blood sugar levels. Keeping blood sugar stable is important because it helps prevent energy crashes and cravings and is a critical part of metabolic health.

  • Inulin aids digestion by increasing how often you go to the bathroom, making you less likely to get constipated. A regular digestive system helps your body release toxins and helps you stay comfortable.

  • Some research suggests that eating foods with inulin might even help you lose weight by making you feel full longer after meals, so you eat less overall.

You can find this ingredient in whole foods and as an added bonus in certain plant-based products like those from ALOHA!


What's the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?

Prebiotics are fibers that feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut, while probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that you can consume through fermented foods or supplements. Think of prebiotics as the food for probiotics.

Can I get enough prebiotics from my diet alone?

Yes, many everyday foods are rich in prebiotics, including garlic, onions, bananas, and oats. Eating a variety of these foods can help you meet your prebiotic needs.

How do I know if I need more prebiotics in my diet?

If you experience digestion issues like irregular bowel movements or upset stomach, it may be a sign that you could benefit from more prebiotics. Consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Is there anyone who should avoid taking prebiotics?

People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or those who are FODMAP-sensitive may need to limit their intake of prebiotics. Always talk to a doctor before changing your diet, especially if you have a health condition.

How quickly will I notice the benefits of eating prebiotics?

It varies. Some people may notice improved digestion within a few days, while for others it might take several weeks to observe the benefits.

Can kids take prebiotics?

Yes, prebiotics are safe for children and can contribute to a healthy gut. It's best to get them from a balanced diet tailored to their nutritional needs.

Are there any side effects from consuming too many prebiotics?

Consuming an excessive amount of prebiotics may lead to bloating, gas, or discomfort. Just like any dietary change, it's best to gradually increase your intake.

Can prebiotics help with weight management?

Prebiotics promote a feeling of fullness, which can help reduce overall food intake. They should be part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle for weight management.

Do prebiotics have any impact on skin health?

Researchers are exploring the gut-skin axis, and some studies suggest that a healthy gut microbiome, supported by prebiotics, can have a positive impact on skin health.

Can the fiber in prebiotics reduce the risk of heart disease?

Dietary fiber, including prebiotics, can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce heart disease risk. A diet rich in high-fiber foods is part of a heart-healthy lifestyle.

ALOHA does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this company is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a qualified health or mental health professional with any questions or concerns about your physical or mental health.

ALOHA Buying Guide

Vanilla Protein Powder

ALOHA Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder is a vegan protein powder with 18g of clean, organic, plant-based protein per pouch. It contains 200mg omega-3s and provides an excellent source of magnesium & iron. It is also USDA Certified Organic Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free and Vegan.

The ALOHA Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder is an ideal supplement for those looking to promote lean muscle development. Each pouch provides 18g of clean, organic, plant-based protein alongside 200mg of omega 3s and essential minerals such as magnesium and iron. This vegan protein powder is also certified organic by the USDA meaning it contains no preservatives or artificial ingredients. It is also gluten free, dairy free, soy free and vegan friendly! All these features make the ALOHA Organic Plant Based Protein Powder an easy choice for anyone looking for a healthy source of nutrition.

Why People Love This
  • Organic and Plant-Based ingredients promote a healthier lifestyle
  • The delicious Vanilla flavor adds a sweet touch to your protein shakes
  • As it is a Protein Powder, it helps in muscle recovery and growth
  • A good source of protein for those on a vegan or vegetarian diet
  • At 1.14 Pounds (518g), it provides a good quantity that lasts for an extended period
  • Packaging is sturdy and ensures the product remains fresh
  • The product is easy to mix with water, milk, or any preferred beverage without forming lumps.

The Kona Bar (Pack of 6)

ALOHA's Organic Plant Based Protein Bars are vegan, low sugar, gluten free, paleo friendly and contain 14 grams of USDA organic plant-based protein.

The ALOHA Organic Plant Based Protein Bars are a delicious and healthy snack option. They are made with local ingredients from Hawai’i such as 100% Kona Coffee, 100% Hawai’i-grown Macadamia Nuts and Ponova oil from O'ahu's North Shore. The bars contain 14 grams of USDA organic plant-based protein as well as 10g of fiber and only 5g of sugar per bar, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a nutritious snack. Furthermore, the bars are vegan, Non-GMO, gluten free snacks that are Soy-Free, Dairy-Free and Stevia-Free. Finally, 10% of proceeds from the bars will be donated to Kupu to support agricultural education programs in Hawaii – a nice touch!

Why People Love This
  • Organic Plant Based Protein: Consumers love the fact that these bars are made from organic plant-based protein, making them a great source of protein for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Special Edition Kona Flavor: The unique Kona flavor is a hit among customers, who appreciate the novelty and taste of this special edition.
  • Low Sugar: Customers appreciate that these bars are low sugar, making them a healthier snack option.
  • Gluten Free and Paleo: These bars are gluten free and paleo, which fits perfectly into the dietary needs of many consumers.
  • Non-GMO: The fact that these bars are Non-GMO is highly valued by consumers who are careful about their food choices.
  • Free from Stevia, Soy and Erythritol: Customers value the absence of Stevia, Soy and Erythritol in these bars, making them a clean eating option.
  • Low Carb: The low carb count is appreciated by customers who are watching their carbohydrate intake or following a keto diet.

Chocolate Protein Powder

Plant-Based Protein Powder with Organic Chocolate, Keto Friendly, Vegan, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Stevia Free & Erythritol Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free and Only 4g Sugar.

This Plant-Based Protein Powder is an excellent choice for those looking for a healthy and delicious way to get their daily protein intake. It is vegan and contains no soy or dairy meaning it can be enjoyed by most dietary restrictions. Plus it is keto friendly with only four grams of sugar per serving! It also contains MCT oil giving it a boost of natural energy that will keep you going throughout the day. Finally, this product is free from both stevia and erythritol making it a great choice for those who want to avoid artificial sweeteners.

Why People Love This
  • Plant-Based: The protein powder is vegan-friendly, making it suitable for those following a plant-based lifestyle.
  • Keto Friendly: With MCT Oil included, it is ideal for those on a ketogenic diet.
  • Low Sugar: Containing only 4g of sugar, it's an excellent option for people looking to limit their sugar intake.
  • Gluten and Soy Free: This product is perfect for those with dietary restrictions as it's free from gluten and soy.
  • Dairy Free: Being dairy-free makes it an excellent choice for lactose-intolerant individuals or those avoiding dairy.
  • Non-GMO: The protein powder is non-GMO, indicating a commitment to natural ingredients and health.
  • Free from Stevia and Erythritol: This product does not contain stevia or erythritol, making it a great choice for those who prefer to avoid these sweeteners.

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